Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hello : )

Just wanted to say hi to all as i have been m.i.a a bit lately but just want you all to know things are good slowly getting used to the "offseason" look, the more i feel relaxed and accepting the more my body likes to respond in a good way eg if im happy, no emotional eating. Each week i feel i have gotten better and before you know it ill have the balance i need to maintain a happy mind and body! Hope everyone is enjoying there weekend .
Will pop by through the week to report a lil more : ) xx


  1. Hi there! Balance is the hardest thing to find and maintain in life. When you think you have found it, something always tips the scale to spill you in another direction. That is a good thing though....'cause if life was perfectly balanced everyday, wouldn't it be boring!!!! Love your positive outlook, hang onto that with both hands.
    From Lauren

  2. this is exactly how im feeling atm babe! staying positive as a positive frame of mind seems to result in healthy behaviour
