Sunday, January 24, 2010

Jamming up a storm!

After a long painful week... Im feeling ready to tackle on the next. TTOM rocked up i should of known lol so sorry bout my vent earlier in the week, i also thank you all that took the time to comment i really appreciate all the advice and help you girls give YOU ALL ROCK!

I have spent majority of my weekend preparing for my BODY JAM launch tomorrow evening can't wait to get it over and done with but in saying that i love teaching classes i have two Step classes and a Jam class a week but am forever filling in for the crew i work with! I love teaching in so many ways, i love that I'm able to give help and excitement to a group of people there to partake in what ever i may have to deliver, I love making exercise fun, i love music and i love that sometimes people come sometimes because it's you teaching (trying not to sound to vein) the satisfaction of receiving comments when you finish a class about how good it was, makes weekends like this all worth while, i had my boss tell me the other day that during a peak step track he got goosebumps... FITNESS MAGIC!

I love group fitness, but in saying that i have been doing this for years now and it, for me is for pleasure not so much exertion, my body is so use to a Step or Jam class i use it for maintenance not for progression in my goals! HIITS are what works for me which i will be doing this afternoon when the sun drops a lil! Hill sprints with the sea breeze ahhh hows the serenity???!
Just letting you all know i haven't completely gone bonkers or anything I'm feeling a hint of MOJO in the air!


  1. Looks like the seabreeze is blowing that mojo back your way Hanni! Good to see you excited again, and I can feel the happiness and positivity in your post. Keep it up, we are all here for you!

  2. Hi Hanni, thanks for the comment on my blog. I actually live near Toowoomba.....wish I lived on the day!!!!

  3. Go Hanni!! Glad to hear you are feeling better. I have always wanted to try a Bodyjam class - looks like fun. Awesome you can do classes you love while keeping fit.

  4. Hey Hanni,
    I used to love doing a class here & there, but I havent done one for years, just love to mix it up for something different, I think I would be pretty unco these days!!!! Sounds like you are going great, keep it up:-)
