This weekend marks 12 Weeks till show time OMFG BRING IT!!! I'm so excited, i have moments of doubt of presenting that "perfect" body on stage i think that's a normal thought that helps fuel the fire along, if you think you won't make you you start putting in 150% into all aspects of comp prep, diet, training, motivation etc!
So how has my dieting been going???? Sometimes it scares me when i say this but at present i don't really feel like i'm dieting i still have a variety of food my numbers are still high and well balanced so at current im kind of cruising along.... Tonight I'm having a free meal to celebrate Mick's birthday something that was "planned" from word go I'm looking forward mostly to going out with my man more then having the meal, I'm a lil nervous i know i wont go over board just a normal feeling i guess when you are stepping a lil to the left of the plan!
Today training wise is Leg day swapped with Shoulders and Arms due to the fact i was still in agony from Tuesdays session hehe going to try flogging them today with HIIT first (sprints) then off to the gym to train, and then have a moderateto do this arvo! What a busy Saturday in saying that i know i'll enjoy it cos this is what i love to do : )
I joined a gym for the first time ever last night hehe, i still work and train at mine but i'm loving the variety and motivation of the gym i have been going to on the weekends and it's worth a membership more then just being a casual! If your on the coast go to World Gym it's great its so comp prep friendly hehe!
Best be off to get ready for that first session of the day! Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend : )