Wow a month since my last blog I'm such a shocker!
Well i have picked the next show i am wanting to do....
FitX IFBB Amateur show in Melbourne March 2013.
I went to the one this year a couple of weeks ago and it was total inspiration plus : ) 50.5 weeks haha i love my count downs!!! I got to meet some of the amazing people in this industry International Pro's such as Nicole Wilkins, Erin Stern, Larissa Reis, Alicia Harris. And some amazing Aussie athletes too :) All in all the weekend was incredible and i got to share it with some new great friends!!! Thank you Mick for getting me there : )
So what's the plan for the next 50.5 Weeks????
I'm all about bringing something new to the stage each time i step up on there hence why i have time off to work on my areas that i'd like to improve... the goal this time round is to bring up my back, shoulders and arms as i feel my legs are quite dominating lol. I'm constantly tweeking my diet to reboot my metabolism (something i do struggle with in the offseason). And week be week i am making an improvement YAY me! I am sitting a LOT higher on the scales than i would like to be I'm hoping the more i stick to the "plan" my body composition will change and i'll get back to a more happy place.... Progression... right??? Not Perfection!!!
Training has been GREAT I'm really enjoying it at the moment I tend to train a lot on my own recently i have done a few sessions with others which has pushed me which i really liked so i think i will incorporate that a little more often.
Now that comp season is underway i always wish it was me getting ready but i know that i much prefer to have that year off, go to the drawing board and make a plan of attack last thing i want is hoping back up on stage bringing the same thing! 30 weeks till prep starts... What i do now will determine what i look like on stage this time next year i'm looking forward to training my butt off (literally hehe) and making better choices with food selections in the offseason its a lifestyle not a DIET!
My goal is to come into this next show knowing i have given it my all! In saying that time to smash out my Wednesday HIIT session!
Stay tuned for my journey to the stage ROUND 3 : )